Fall-winter 2021
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima
Serenading Our Lady
New Fall calf, Mo
Cows out front
Fall foliage
Pondering the pond
Fall foliage
Sister's sister, soon-to-be Sister!
October 13 Rosary outside
Fall foliage
Fall foliage
Christ the King
Working in the garden
Fall foliage
Rorate Mass
Rorate Mass
Rorate Mass
Wood brigade
Organ Tuning
Organ Tuning
Preparing a room at the retreat house
Filtering the milk
Soup's ready!
Midnight Mass
Midnight Mass
Holy Innocent's skit
January Ice storm
January Ice storm
January Ice storm
January Ice storm
Epiphany blessing
Outdoor Nativity scene
Josie (foreground) and Bella
Winter sunset
Solemn Mass
Putting Al (Alleluia) to bed
Putting Al (Alleluia) to bed
Feast of the Purification
Feast of the Purification
Feast of the Purification
Feast of the Purification
Extinguishing the altar candles
Teaching a course to the novices
'Ola' staying warm in our toolroom
Winter scene
Winter scene
Winter scene
Winter scene
Winter scenes
Winter scenes
Winter scenes
Winter Scene
Fun in the snow
Fun in the snow
Reading before Compline
Statue of Our Lady
Josie and Bella playing
Garden work
Barn chores
Garden work