Clothing and First Vows 2020
On August 21st 2020, our six postulants were clothed in the holy habit and received new names. Sr Rafaela, Sr Anastasia, Sr Josephine, Sr Maria Daniela, Sr Maria Victoria, and Sr Katarina. In the same ceremony, two sisters who had completed their novitiate, Sr Martina of the Lamb of God and Sr Maria Stella of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus made their simple profession of vows and received black veils.
The brides
Sr Anna Paula
Sr Erin
Sr Maria
The brides
Procession into the chuch
Procession into the chuch
First Profession of Vows
Sr Martina
Sr Maria Stella
Newly First Professed
Following the Mass
At the Communion rail
Clothing ceremony
His Excellency cuts the hair
Sr Anna Paula going to change into the habit
Clothed in the habit
Sr Anastasia
Sr Josephine
Sr Katarina
The new Novices
His Excellency with the Sisters