Ad Altare Dei
Giving Thanks for Our Priests
Give Tribute to a priest who has been an instrument of grace for you or your loved ones. Or if you are a priest, consider making a gift in thanksgiving for your priesthood. We are accepting Commemorative Gifts for a plaque to hang in the Church of the New Monastery of St. Joseph in Ava. If you wish the priest's name to be included, please note that in the form.
Apostles: $50,000+
Evangelists: $25,000+
Disciples: $10,000+
Preachers: $5000+
Confessors: $1000+
Servants of Christ: $500+
Fishers of Men: $250+
Shepherds: $20+
*When submitting your gift, please specify the priest’s name, ordination date, and any brief message you would like to be included. Additional wording can be posted online, but only the name and ordination date can be include on the physical plaque for gifts of $500+.